Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all the material on this website is created by and remains the property of Graeme Henderson.
[EXPAND NOTES FOR STUDENTS]I have enormous empathy for students, having spent thirteen years in school, another twelve years in tertiary study, and have spent many years teaching and tutoring thousands of students. You are therefore granted the right to use any of this material for your private study absolutely free of charge subject to these easy-to-follow restrictions:
- that, if you use any of the material in an assignment or pass it to another person in any form, it is properly attributed … that is, the website’s URL is attached in a clearly visible form (e.g. as a footnote, label or referenced in a bibliography);
- that, if the material is of use to you, you ‘like’ our FaceBook page or our YouTube videos or leave positive feedback for us on the website;
- that, if you pass copies of any of the documents or spreadsheets or videos to another person or organisation, you inform them that the material came from the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page and/or YouTube channel;
- that if you post any of this material on a website, blogsite etc., that you clearly place a hyperlink to my website, FaceBook page, and/or YouTube channel (as appropriate) with the posted material;
- that you do not make any income from this material yourself or in any way represent this material as your own (i.e. please attribute it correctly).
Also, if you have benefited from this material and you or your parents/guardians can afford to make a donation, I request that you seriously consider helping maintain this site (it has cost me many thousands of dollars to create this site and produce the material for it). If you cannot afford to help, then please use my material without guilt and with my blessing.[/EXPAND]
[EXPAND NOTES FOR TEACHERS/SCHOOLS]I have great empathy for teachers, having spent many years (since the late 1970s) teaching students in a variety of schools and tutoring many others as well. You are therefore granted the right to use any of this material for your personal development or within your school absolutely free of charge subject to the following restrictions:
- that, if you use any of the material in a lesson or public forum (staff development day, etc.) or pass it to another person in any form, it is properly attributed … that is, the website’s URL is attached in a clearly visible form (e.g. as a footnote, label or referenced in a bibliography);
- that, if the material is of use to you, you ‘like’ our FaceBook page or our YouTube videos or leave positive feedback for us on the website;
- that, if you pass copies of any of the documents or spreadsheets or videos to a student, another teacher or some other person or organisation, you inform them that the material came from the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page and/or YouTube channel;
- that if you post any of this material on a website (including an intranet), blogsite etc., that you clearly place a hyperlink to the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page, and/or YouTube channel (as appropriate) with the posted material;
- that you do not make any income from this material yourself or in any way represent this material as your own (i.e. please attribute it correctly).
Having been a teacher and knowing how staff try to build up a collection of resources that require little or no fee for creating class copies, I simply ask that you consider ensuring that your department makes a nominal donation to the website each year that you use the material. Consider it a form of royalty fee but (and I take a small risk here) I will leave it to you to assess what you consider will be a reasonable and equitable donation according to your usage of material and according to your budget. I want to create material that will be of significant help to both teachers and students but I and my family have to live too (it has cost me many thousands of dollars to create this site and produce the material for it).
If you are from a struggling school or from a developing country, please use any or all of my material without guilt and with my blessing.[/EXPAND]
[EXPAND NOTES FOR HOME EDUCATING PARENTS]I have considerable empathy for home educating parents as my wife and I home educated our daughter for about half of her schooling. I understand the difficulty of finding quality material that explains mathematics clearly to students without the support of an experienced mathematics teacher and, because many parents feel at such a loss with this subject in particular, I have often tutored home educated children (and still do). You are hereby granted the right to use any of this material for your home educating needs absolutely free of charge subject to the following restrictions:
- that, if you use any of the material in a public forum (sharing with other families e.g.) or pass it to another person in any form, it is properly attributed … that is, the website’s URL is attached in a clearly visible form (e.g. as a footnote, label or referenced in a bibliography);
- that, if the material is of use to you, you ‘like’ our FaceBook page or our YouTube videos or leave positive feedback for us on the website;
- that, if you pass copies of any of the documents or spreadsheets or videos to another student, family or school, you inform them that the material came from the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page and/or YouTube channel;
- that if you post any of this material on a website, blogsite etc., that you clearly place a hyperlink to the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page, and/or YouTube channel (as appropriate) with the posted material;
- that you do not make any income from this material yourself or in any way represent this material as your own (i.e. please attribute it correctly).
In addition, if you and your family have benefited from this material and you can afford to make a donation, I request that you seriously consider helping maintain this site (it has cost me many thousands of dollars to create this site and produce the material for it). If you cannot afford to help, then please use my material without guilt and with my blessing.[/EXPAND]
[EXPAND NOTES FOR OTHER USERS]You are welcome to use any of this material for your needs absolutely free of charge subject to the following restrictions:
- that, if you use any of the material in a public forum or pass it to another person in any form, it is properly attributed … that is, the website’s URL is attached in a clearly visible form (e.g. as a footnote, label or referenced in a bibliography);
- that, if the material is of use to you, you ‘like’ our FaceBook page or our YouTube videos or leave positive feedback for us on the website;
- that, if you pass copies of any of the documents or spreadsheets or videos to another entity (company, person, or group of persons), you inform them that the material came from the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page and/or YouTube channel;
- that if you post any of this material on a website, blogsite etc., that you clearly place a hyperlink to the CrystalClearMaths website, FaceBook page, and/or YouTube channel (as appropriate) with the posted material;
- that you do not make any income from this material yourself or in any way represent this material as your own (i.e. please attribute it correctly).
In addition, if you have gained benefit from this site and can afford to make a donation, I request that you seriously consider helping maintain Crystal Clear Mathematics (it has cost me many thousands of dollars to create this site and produce the material for it). If you cannot afford to help, then please use my material without guilt and with my blessing.[/EXPAND]
Two very important things to note:
- I encourage you to create links to this website but you are granted permission to do so only if clicking on the link opens the CrystalClearMaths webpage in a new browser window and not within a frame on your page.
- You can help support Crystal Clear Mathematics by having your official school website (or your own blogsite) create links to www.CrystalClearMaths.com. Such links help improve this site’s rankings with search engines such as Google … and this helps more people find me! Of course, links to my FaceBook and YouTube pages and ‘liking’ them will also boost my profile and I thank you for helping me in this way!
Copyright © 2012- Graeme Henderson. All rights reserved. This page last updated: Saturday 25 November 2015
I had three epiphanies while watching this. Thank you so much!
Guildmaster Wigglytuff (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Learn and Master the Second Pythagorean Identity in Trigonometry)
See all Testimonials