A few years ago I visited a ‘developing country’ where a labourer would work a long day for one US dollar. This income had to cover a family’s shelter, clothing, food, transport, educational and medical costs. I am acutely aware that a very large part of the world’s population lives in poverty (including many in the ‘developed world’) and, for many of them, a good education provides a means of escape … a way of supporting their family.
Although governments and organisations may provide access to the Internet, many poor families throughout the world (including the ‘developed world’) and many schools in developing countries cannot afford the educational materials that are offered on commercial sites.
This website aims to provide all visitors with free access to a store of useful resources in the hope that students may be inspired (and helped) to excel in mathematics.
If you benefit from this site and can afford to support this ministry, any donation that you could make would be very welcome.
Any constructive feedback (or suggestions) that you can provide would also be appreciated.
Wow! This video was by far the most helpful I’ve watched on this material. By the time you put the last set of problems on the board I was solving them own my own! Most videos make the material “look” easy to do, with yours I can delete the “look” part!
Michael M (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
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