I had the privilege of being one of Graeme’s students in 2005. As a creatively minded individual I struggled greatly with Mathematics and was falling behind in my HSC studies. Under his careful and creative tutelage I began to truly understand Mathematics for the first time in my life. Graeme patiently taught me to master mathematical concepts in ways I could understand. In the week intensive I spent with him he taught me the entire HSC course, and I went on to receive a Band 6. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Roxanne G (student, 2005)
From the beginning of my schooling I had struggled with Mathematics. Highly discouraged by my results, I grew to eventually hate Maths and lost all motivation to improve. Then part way through year seven my parents decided to send me to Crystal Clear Mathematics. Graeme was able to quickly identify areas I needed to improve and explain Maths in a way that finally made sense to me. I was able to understand Maths. This in turn then affected my confidence in my own ability.
Since working with Graeme I have gone from failing to significantly improved results. I now get As & Bs both in examinations and for assignment tasks. Graeme is patient, kind and his tutoring is individualised. He was so helpful and I am grateful for his help.
Tessa M (student, 2014-2017)
You, sir, are the best teacher I’ve ever known in my life. You made maths the most interesting subject for me. I really can’t express my gratitude in words for your amazing teaching!! I never knew integration could be so easy! You are the reason why I excel at all my tests.
Thank you very much for these videos sir …
Sahil D (on a CCM YouTube video explaining How to Integrate With Speed ~ Recognise and Use ‘Integration by Parts’ Pattern )
your videos are more than helpful.Thank you a lot.i usually don`t comment and subscribe but your videos God!unbelievable.I love how you find out every single details which seem unimportant but actually the keys to become a smart students.Thank You!
Nahom T (on a CCM YouTube video explaining How to Memorise Mathematical Formulae)
This video is fantastic, easily understandable and well explained. Thank you, it’s a great help to my grade school son.
Helen L (on a CCM YouTube video outlining A Simple System for Finding Areas of Plane Figures)
thank you for the video! it was mind blowing!
Andy K (on a CCM YouTube video about Using Zeros to Create Complex Graphs)
I’d like to take the chance to thank you for this awesome channel. You achieve what many teachers fail to achieve: You do not beat around the bush and you have the ability to make even complex topics sound simple, which is a gift.
Thank you for helping me with my final examination preparation. Keep up the great work. You deserve a lot more views, that is why I am glad to share your work with other students struggling with maths.
Yours Sincerely from Germany
Aaron P (on a CCM YouTube video about Four Steps to Understanding Rational Functions)
Though I’m not a mathematic
Aye M (in a review of my CCM FaceBook page, 22 July 2015)
My two children have benefited greatly from Grahams math tutoring. I remember their first lesson, they were together with Graham for their first session. I was also able to stay and listen to the lesson. As the lesson progressed
Maggie L (parent, 2008-2012) in a review of my FaceBook page (07 September, 2015)
You are an excellent teacher … Would have been a different world for me had I had one like you … (born 49) left school in 9th grd. Still love math and don’t understand people who do not … You lay knowledge on a silver platter and it is much appreciated …
gregsphere (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Subtract [Large] Numbers Easily)
Graeme was a fantastic tutor who substantially improved my marks in all areas. He’s a great person to learn from and has a good sense of humour, too.
Blake H (student, 2013-2015)
Graeme provided my son with maths assistance in years 11 and 12 – up to his HSC. His results have spoken louder than any words or recommendation. Graeme’s expertise in maths and imparting knowledge, his patience and caring nature worked extremely well with my son. I believe my son regarded Graeme more as a friend than tutor towards the end of their time together. Thank you Graeme, I would happily recommend you to anyone.
John J (parent, 2013-2015)
I had three epiphanies while watching this. Thank you so much!
Guildmaster Wigglytuff (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Learn and Master the Second Pythagorean Identity in Trigonometry)
Magnificently fabulous!
Akshayan Manivannan (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Calculate an Approximate Cube Root for Any Number)
ive been struggling at uni on an engineering degree with the math but your 4 videos on the various differentiation rules has cracked it for me. Cheers mate!
Matthew Marten (on a CCM YouTube video about Using a Combination of the Chain, Product and Quotient Rules)
I enjoyed your presentation and no it wasn’t too long. Each subtraction algorithm has its merit as you demostrated, but after learning the “one up and one down” method, I’m employing it because of its speed and ease of usage. Even my wife, who hates mathematics with a passion, thinks it’s too easy. I look forward to your future presentations on both multiplication and number theory. I read an introduction text book some twenty five years ago on number theory by Oystein Ore who taught at Yale for better than twenty years. So in closing, please produce these lectures and the longer the better. Thanks.
Dennis Bell (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Subtract (Large) Numbers Easily)
Thank you for this video. In a perfect world you would have been my trigonometry teacher in 1967.
Timothy Thomas (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Understand and Memorise the Four Trigonometric Identities)
Brilliant!!! This helps so much!!! So much easier than anything else I have found. This is now simple.
Thanks again for showing the simple way of doing this. I look forward to the next video!! Absolutely brilliant.
Once again, excellent! I’ve watched many others, that have not helped nearly as much as these. Thanks for making it so easy to understand. When things get complicated, it is easy to make a mistake, but your method of writing down the structure helps to prevent mistakes.
Thanks a million!!! I’ve watched many videos and read tutorials, but still could not get two in a row correct on Khan Academy. Your explanation was so clear and simple that it finally made sense to me and now I can get all of the problems correct!!! Thank you very much.
It all makes total sense now! Thanks very much for all the derivative videos!!! Very helpful.
MemorizeAndLearn (on four different CCM YouTube videos about Differentiation)
I have been watching your “Integration technique” videos with high expectation and excitement. They never fail to give me a lot of joy and much pleasure. You must have been one hell of teacher at your time! … just continue making highly enjoyable and intellectually stimulating videos. … Unfortunately, what you learn at the university, you hardly ever see again in your office job. That is why I try to repeat some thing I learned: to enjoy it a bit more, to marvel upon beauty, and to keep my brain sharp. There is where your videos come in perfectly: interesting, amusing and thought provoking problems neatly presented. … You do your best to share your passion, knowledge and experience. The least I can do is to say an honest “Thank you!” As I said, your videos give me much pleasure. You may freely let other people know that. … Rest assured that I shall be watching your videos in the future. With joy and excitement. And I shall comment on them from time to time. You just continue making them.
Zoran V (in private correspondence via YouTube, quoted with permission)
Sir you are simple amazing! Every single thing you teach is crystal clear and easy to understand. Your YouTube series is helping me in my IIT preparations. Thank you very much!
Prateesh RK (on a CCM YouTube video about Integrating Powers of a Function of x)
I attend university in the US and am starting the more difficult math courses. I have never studied and managed to stumble along for a very long time and now I have no idea what I am doing. I can follow along with lecture and understand what they are saying but when left on my own I have no clue what to do and where to start. So I’ve recommitted to start over and build a solid foundation. Looking around youtube alot I have found some good quick fix stuff but man I am converted to Graeme Hendersen. I really appreciate your very thorough approach to learning and can’t get enough of your explaining mathematical concepts. I am eating up everything and am excited to master math. Man, I sound super nerdy but it’s true. Thanks
Garett M (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Find the Equation of a Parallel Line in 4-5 Lines of Work)
Awesomest tutorial ever!!!!!!
Hrishi H (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Thank you so much! Its like you’ve flipped a switch in my brain somehow. Its my 2nd time around in calc1, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around calc. concepts until I found you. And that’s saying a lot because I had to take trig. 3 times before I felt competent enough to take calc. Please accept my sincere thanks. You Sir, are a God send.
Jeff S (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Simply splendid. My concept cleared after 40 years.
Parvez T (on a CCM YouTube video explaining ‘What is an Asymptote?’)
Best teacher ever. You make math effortless.
Christopher C (on a CCM YouTube video demonstrating the Product Rule)
woow Your amazing until i met u i thought chain rule is really difficult but tnz to you now i realize im totally wrong tnz sir keep it up
Sandakalee W (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
I cannot even begin to describe how much you’ve taught and continue to teach me through your videos. I’m going into year 12 this year and I feel like your way of teaching is so ‘crystal clear’ to me so thank you so much! Too bad you can’t be my teacher I’ve recently watched you playlist for derivatives and those videos are amazing! … Continue to make awesome videos because you’re a legend.
Chelsea N (student, 2015, in private discussion about CCM YouTube videos, with permission)
This is more than what I have expected! The summary idea is brilliant! Thank you very much! Definitely worth sharing!!!
Kenzi B (on a CCM YouTube video about What to Do When You Sit Down to Study Mathematics)
Mr Henderson you are amazing ! I’ll start using all this tips immediately. I also read your ‘How to study’ guide, and subscribed to your site. This is going to help me a lot!!! It’s really great work you re doing. Best wishes from Brazil! Thanks a lot, again.
Rodolpho S (on a CCM YouTube video about Seven Steps for Your Daily Study Routine)
Wow! This video was by far the most helpful I’ve watched on this material. By the time you put the last set of problems on the board I was solving them own my own! Most videos make the material “look” easy to do, with yours I can delete the “look” part!
Michael M (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
No way you just made it sound that simple. … Why cant people always teach this way!?
Logan B (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
This is a video that everyone who is in any kind of a school, at the present time, MUST watch! 🙂
Mark H (on a CCM YouTube video about Seven Steps for Your Daily Study Routine)
Hi! I have received your message and checked this video. Your methods you mention for this video is brilliant! I am starting it now. … Thank you very much again for this video and I am hoping to watch more!
Shinyfio (on a CCM YouTube video about Using a Diary to Help Your Long Term Memory)
Once again, this is ridiculous. You get no views yet provide some of the most beneficial mathematical videos on the whole of youtube. Please man, keep up the good work. If it means anything, you are really helping me out as I am not the best maths student but have a genuine interest to get better, I only realized it a year ago.
Jack L (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Calculate an Approximate Cube Root for Any Number)
I was taught a different method for calculating square roots in middle school, but I forgot it soon after! Your method looks easier. Thanks for the helpful vid! 🙂
Theophilosxxv (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Approximate the Square Root of a Number by Hand)
I wish you were my math teacher. You explain very well. Thank You for your channel.
Avis M (on a CCM YouTube video about Using Roots to Graph Polynomials)
Thank You for this video. You explained the little things that the textbook does not explain. Sincerely, Avis M.
Avis M (on a CCM YouTube video about Four Steps to Understanding Rational Functions)
Thanks for this video, I was having a lot of trouble with the chain rule, I studied the text book (very confusing) and several other videos, but I found your video most helpful, and I new feel I really do understand it.
MeijinSensei (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Thank you very much Sir, I really appreciate how you give clear and insightful instruction to a person who does not speak well English. Thanks to you I now have all A’s in Algebra II and Pre-Calculus. It almost as good as my English being an A+ right now. Thanks to you my GPA is now a 4.71 and my SAT is 2200.
Yehochanan M (on a CCM YouTube video about Seven Steps for Your Daily Study Routine)
all my questions about chain rule were answed by this video, it very helpfull to me
Thamsanqa C (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Your videos are awesome! And I do like when you refer to “top students” to talk about their behavior because it’s very encouraging! Thank you for sharing the knowledge!
Guilherme S F (on a CCM YouTube video about Seven Aspects of a Balanced Lifestyle For Students
Gone to a lot of sites and watched a lot of math lessons on the internet, but your lessons seem to sink in my mind better than others, perhaps you explain each step in a way that is meaningful to me…anyway, i think you are an excellent instructor, thanks for your help.
Maggie J (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Graph Type 2 Rational Functions)
Wow, how useful. … I always had a hard time with the chain rule, until I watched this video. The right presentation makes all the difference. Thank you very much. … These 20 second math videos you’ve graciously posted are excellent. I’m my little corner of the world, you’ve done great things.
avaratatat (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Fantastic video, you never skip a step, and everything is explained so that it’s crystal clear. Thank you.
Steven K (on a CCM YouTube video about How to Construct a Polynomial Function Given Its Graph)
How I wish you could be my professor – I have been having a consistent problem with the chain rule for what seems like weeks. I couldn’t grasp it at all. The first couple minutes of your video – it all instantly clicked for me. You are a life saver and a wonderful teacher. Thank you so much for your explanations!!!!!!!
Taikrys (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
I never understood calculus faster than I did from your 25 min video …
Ghadad B (on a CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Kunle A (on a CCM YouTube video about the Quotient Rule)
Thanks again for your excellence in teaching!! You rock!! Sending some love from Canada 🙂
Gingerbread Girl (on CCM YouTube video about Derivatives of Compound Functions)
Your method is perfect, I couldn’t imagine a better way to find derivatives with the chain rule. Thank you! Regards from France
CopainVG (on CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
BEST explanation I have ever come across. He makes it super easy to understand what to do. I have gone from about 15 minutes per question to seeing the parts before he explained it in the video (and I have memory issues due to medical complications). THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
24Punkette (on CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
That is terrific. I really like how you have a common theme of your length × breadth through your teaching. As a fellow maths teacher I’m very into that idea. Thumbs up 🙂
Chris M (on CCM YouTube video about Simpson’s Rule)
Thank You so much. I have my 1st Semester Calculus exam in First year Chemistry in University in 3 weeks and I didn’t have the basics down in High School but I do know thanks to this and couple of your other videos. As your name implies it was crystal clear Mathematics it clicked instantly … Regards from Ireland.
Demyd Y (on CCM YouTube video about the Chain Rule)
Thank you for the video(s). To date, your channel is the most comprehensive and comprehensible series of math instruction I’ve found. The meat of the subjects covered is just as advertised, “Crystal Clear”, and the historical references are and added bonus. I hope you will continue to produce these high quality tutorials. Your experience and dedication to teaching the subject are abundantly apparent. “Good on ya”!
John W (on CCM YouTube video about Simpson’s Rule)
I was tutored by Graeme for the majority of my high school years in mathematics. He really helped me to understand ways of working out problems that I had difficulty grasping, which I’m very thankful for! When I was studying some subjects in accountancy and business mathematics at university, I found the concepts that he had taught me were invaluable. He is a fantastic tutor, highly recommend him if you need any help with mathematics.
Jonathan T (student, c2005-2011)
Graeme Henderson tutored me throughout my entire high school mathematics education, and through his expert tutelage and exceptional ability to explain the concepts that would otherwise be very hard to understand, I was able to grasp and excel at topics that I would have otherwise been unable to. He was an excellent tutor, and I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone looking for help with mathematics problems!
Matthew T (student, c2005-2013)
Our boys received a distance education and required additional tuition in their higher level of Maths. Graeme undertook this for us which brought together both his professional expertise and the motivation required for our boys to achieve the excellent results that we all hoped for. Today our boys are following their chosen career paths and we will always remain grateful for Graeme’s part in that. We warmly commend Graeme’s tuition and dedication to his students to you.
David and Mary T (parents, c2006-2012)
I don’t know if you remember me, but you really helped me last year and I just wanted to tell you I came first in my maths half yearly with 100%. A lot of it goes to you. Thanks for your help.
Jashan M (student, 2013)
Our daughter Angelina was home schooled and from the start did not like maths. Over the years I have battled through, trying 5 different programs along the way. Angelina was surviving but not enjoying the journey but, when it came to algebra, the future looked dim. A friend recommended Graeme to me as her three sons had been tutored by him. She could not recommend him more highly. My daughter has just finished year 12 maths and did very well, thanks to Graeme (that would be an understatement). Graeme has a love for his subject and a genuine interest in his students. Graeme seems to meets his students where they are and tailors the lessons to meet their individual needs and interests. Graeme not only explains concepts clearly, but we all found him an interesting, knowledgeable and humble man. We are extremely happy that Graeme was recommended to us. Now our daughter is looking forward to uni with a grateful heart. We also could not recommend Graeme more highly.
Angela K (parent, 2013)
Our daughter was tutored by Graeme as she was required to sit a maths exam, and complete a maths course, in order to attend college in the USA. Graeme came highly recommended as a brilliant tutor, and he definitely did not disappoint. As a parent of three adult children, I have accessed several tutors over the years, and none of them have come even close to being as helpful and skilful as Graeme. Our daughter, Michaela, particularly liked how Graeme could relate maths concepts to everyday situations, something that helped her immensely. Graeme has extensive knowledge in various areas of maths, and this knowledge combined with his patient, empathic manner, makes him the outstanding tutor that he is. Graeme went above and beyond what would be expected of a tutor. He was truly dedicated to our daughter’s learning and she could not have achieved her goals without him.
Gillian Q (parent, 2013)
By far the best educator I have been subject to in my schooling life. Apart from showing me with the utmost clarity the many concepts of mathematics, Graeme has inspired me to better myself in everything that I do in school and in my life. His dedication to his craft is truly admirable, and this level of dedication to helping the student achieve is something that is extremely hard to find. If you’d want anyone on your side during HSC mathematics, it’d be Graeme.
Harry B (student, 2012)
I would describe Graeme as one of the best tutors I ever had. During my school years I spent some time attending one of the major tutoring organizations in town and I found it was difficult for the tutors to spend the time needed to assist me with problem solving due to the class size. My mother rang a private tutor in the phone book who gave her Graeme’s phone number as he specialized in tutoring high school students and was a teacher who used to work at my school. He offered a tutoring service at convenient times which suited our busy life style. The one-on-one service that Graeme provides was what I needed and I saw improvements straight away with my exam results. This made my parents very happy and I found a new confidence in approaching exams. I have since left school but have stayed in contact with Graeme and he has provided me with terrific practical suggestions in preparing for interviews. I would not hesitate in recommending Graeme as a great teacher.
James C (Student, 2012)
Graeme’s approach to explaining maths formulas made it easy for my children to grasp. Graeme had a number of methods by which he could explain each problem, giving the students a clear understanding of how to approach each area of maths. My students came away feeling confident of when, and how to apply each formula to solve the maths problems.
Sarah G (parent, 2011)
It took me a long time to find the right tutor who actually helped and more importantly cared about me and my marks. I would recommend Graeme enough. My maths marks improved dramatically with his help and I couldn’t have done it without him.
Ellie H (student, 2011)
Graeme and the maths material made available really helped me through HSC two unit mathematics. The maths I learnt back then I still use in my university degree today, and will most likely use in the future.
Jane C (student, 2010)
My son isn’t rapt about attending tutoring but Graeme has taken the time find out the things my son is interested in and relate the maths topics to them. I can’t speak highly enough of his patient, calming manner. The maths resources provided have been helpful (and sometimes fun!) in my son’s learning and I have noticed a great improvement in his confidence and ability since starting tutoring.
Judee F (parent, 2012)
Sir frankly, I only wanted to learn the chain rule first but your videos are so good and so amazing that I feel like studying calculus more and more but only nd only from your videos. can you do me a favor and make a video for log functions differentiation please? it would be a great help 🙂
Sudhanshu K (on a CCM video about Implicit Differentiation Made Simple)
Graeme takes the time to teach all subject material from any syllabus in a logical, methodical, easy to understand, and in depth way, which is presented in a personal manner, with no time restrictions or distractions. This method of teaching allows for a true understanding of mathematics, which is what I was aiming for in my education. Graeme helped me to properly understand my course and honestly got me through my HSC mathematics, and to him/it I am truly forever grateful.
Lachlan M (student, 2011)
Our son Joshua is currently in year 11 preparing for the HSC. Josh was doing reasonably well in mathematics and yet we felt, and his teachers agreed, that if he really applied himself he could be achieving much better results. We asked around for a maths tutor and Graeme Henderson came highly recommended. Joshua began to see Mr Henderson one hour per week and from the very first week Joshua’s motivation escalated. His maths improved to the point where he is now often achieving 100% in his exams, he applies himself to do hours of homework, something he had rarely done in the past, but most of all Josh has found a love of mathematics. Maths is no longer a chore. I believe this all stems from Mr Henderson’s gifted ability not only as a teacher, also as an encourager and motivator. I get motivated just listening to them! Josh told us this week that he wishes he could be tutored every day after school. When the results come through from Joshua’s exams, he is delighted and this has inspired him to become motivated to spend much more time applying himself to his other subjects. Josh is working hard to gain a great result in his HSC. I can personally recommend Mr Henderson as a truly wonderful tutor.
Deborah B (Parent, 2012)
We were all deeply impressed with Graeme from the very beginning. [Lucas’] confidence radically changed within only 3 weeks of Graeme’s instruction and assistance. I am sure this was largely attributed to Graeme’s infectious passion and love for his subject, and his high personal level of skill, teaching experience and understanding of mathematics. Lucas always found Graeme could explain concepts so knowledgeably and easily, which really did transform Lucas’ appreciation and enjoyment of the subject. Graeme always gave Lucas assistance and time over and above his hour’s tutoring session. Graeme has developed a wonderful relationship and more of a mentoring role which has been of great assistance and value to Lucas as he faces the pressures of his final year of school. I have no hesitation in recommending Graeme as an outstanding tutor and friend, and a very wise, knowledgeable and capable teacher of the highest calibre.
Sally T (parent, 2005)