When you learn to count … 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … you are increasing your number by one every time. Many number sequences are nothing more than always repeating the same algorithm. When a creature produces its shell, it is repeating the same simple building instructions as it grows, thereby creating a spiral (or one shell of a bivalve).
On a semi-humorous, semi-serious note, the idea of a day that kept repeating itself formed the basis for the entertaining movie, Groundhog Day.
In this part of the website I want to help you explore such repeating things.
Sequences and Series ~ Repeating patterns with numbers
Mathematical Induction ~ Repeating patterns with ideas, concepts, and algebraic structures
Fractals ~ Repeating patterns with geometric shapes
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Yehochanan M (on a CCM YouTube video about Seven Steps for Your Daily Study Routine)
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